Heathrow Terminal 4

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Capacity review


Client: Heathrow


Over 35 airlines had to move to Terminal 4 to enable Terminal 2 to be re-built. It was essential that Terminal 4 had the necessary capacity to accommodate these rapidly expanding airlines. Active Thinking was asked to undertake a complete 5-8 year capacity review of Terminal 4 to ensure all airlines could be accommodated.

Our role

We developed a new framework to assess terminal capacity. We procured all the computer modeling for the review, encompassing every aspect of the passenger, baggage and surface access processes. A cross-functional team analysed and judged the modeling output so that all functional areas used a common data set and approach.

A series of workshops with senior directors then went through all aspects of the passenger experience and it was agreed that extra capacity would have to be delivered before all the airlines could move to Terminal 4.


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Active Thinking led full, comprehensive workshops on all elements of the terminal process, drove a data led debate, generated an alignment of views around the conclusion to adjust the timeframe of airline moves and undertake targeted capital investment - and an understanding of the associated impacts
— Chris Butler Director, Terminal 4, Heathrow